‘Bikes for All evaluation: summary of overall findings (2018-2020)‘ (August 2020) Glasgow Centre for Population Health
“Perceived barriers to cycling tend to increase after participation. In particular safety is a concern for many, and it is clear that overcoming some barriers will require investment or support beyond that which is possible through this project. The issue of safety was highlighted in a recent report on cycling intentions post-‘lockdown’, where new cyclists expressed a strong wish to see more dedicated cycle lanes as a means of encouraging them to continue cycling after once Covid19-related restrictions on movement were lifted.”
‘#BikeIsBest Statistics Overview‘ (July 2020) YouGov
Data showing the public is overwhelmingly in favour of measures to encourage walking and cycling with 6.5 people supporting changes to their local streets for every 1 person against. 70% believe more people cycling would reduce traffic congestion across the country and 65% of all Britons – rising to 80% of those with an opinion one way or the other – want to see British roads redesigned and changed to protect cyclists and pedestrians from cars.
‘How are people using hire bikes during lockdown’ (April 2020) Big Urban Data Centre
Looks at data from Edinburgh bike hire scheme that suggests that hire bikes could be providing valuable access to exercise for the population during the lockdown.
‘Cycling in Scotland: review of cycling casualties’ (2020) Glasgow Centre for Population Health / Cycling Scotland
Five recommendations to help improve safety for people cycling include that “there should be substantial and sustained investment in quality cycling infrastructure, protected from motor vehicles, and retrofitting the existing road system to reduce danger where required”.
‘Scottish Transport Statistics No. 38‘ (2019) Transport Scotland
‘Essential Evidence 4 Scotland‘ (November 2018) Napier Blogs
A long list of peer reviewed studies on Transport Planning and Public Health.
‘Scottish Transport Statistics No. 36‘ (2017) Transport Scotland
‘Segregated Cycle Infrastructure evidence pack‘ City Planning / Transport for London
The Segregated Cycle Infrastructure evidence pack compiles monitoring and evidence about the impacts and benefits of our cycling programme, with a focus on new segregated infrastructure.
It shows that impact of the segregated cycle infrastructure that Transport for London has delivered has been largely positive. It shows significant increases in the number of people now cycling on these routes, and 5% more people move across Blackfriars Bridge by all modes of transport than before the segregated lanes were installed.
‘Cycling‘ (2012) SPICe Briefing
‘Walking and Cycling‘ (2014) SPICe Briefing
‘Cycling and Pedestrians‘ Cycling UK Briefing
‘Cycling in the Netherlands‘ (2009) Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat
‘Cycling in Denmark’ Cycling Embassy of Denmark
‘Danish cycling know how’ Cycling Embassy of Denmark
‘Cycling statistics’ (2018) CyclingUK