Today is #GlasgowCycleInfraDay17

It’s Friday!

It’s September 8th!!

It’s #GlasgowCycleInfraDay17!!!


Yes, the day has finally arrived for us to take to the streets of Glasgow and show the world exactly what our cycling infrastructure is like.  Some of it will be good, some of it will be bad, and we need to see it all so we can show it to the Council and help to make ours a true Cycling City.

Keep your camera with you today and when you spot any cycling infrastructure that you want to highlight (good or bad) – or if you spot somewhere that’s crying out for infrastructure it doesn’t have yet – take a picture and Tweet it with the hashtag #GlasgowCycleInfraDay17.  Don’t worry if you don’t have Twitter, you can still take part by emailing your pictures to us at

You’ll be able to watch the gallery build throughout the day by keeping an eye on the hashtag on Twitter (you don’t need an account for this – just click this link), or by following the Twitter account (@CycleInfraDay).

Remember, this is supposed to be an easy way of documenting a day in the life of Glasgow’s cycling infrastructure.  So please be sensible; don’t go dashing across busy roads to get an ‘action shot’, or exploring the collapsed section of the cycle lane along the Clyde to show the damage after the weir jammed last week.

Most importantly… have fun!

#GlasgowCycleInfraDay17 is coming tomorrow!!

Just one more sleep until the return of #GlasgowCycleInfraDay17 to our city!


With the Scottish Government this week announcing their commitment to double the budget for Active Travel in 2018/19, making sure your voice is heard when that money gets spent has never been more important.  Tomorrow you can shout it out loud.

It’s as easy as snapping a photograph of Glasgow’s cycling infrastructure and posting it on Twitter with the hashtag #GlasgowCycleInfraDay17.

Take pictures of the good stuff, what we want more of, as well as the not so good stuff.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a Twitter account; just email your pictures to us at and we’ll upload them for you.

So, get your cameras ready, charge your batteries and load up your memory cards… for tomorrow we shape the future of cycling in Glasgow!


#GlasgowCycleInfraDay17 needs you!

#GlasgowCycleInfraDay17 Needs You!

The first GlasgowCycleInfraDay, back in 2015, was the brainchild of Magnatom (a.k.a. David).  Shocked at the state of Glasgow’s cycle lanes he put the call out on his blog one Tuesday night.  With a little over 24-hours notice, the response from across Glasgow (and beyond) was phenomenal.

This year’s campaign, #GlasgowCycleInfraDay17,  is nearly here.  Next Friday, September 8th, it will be time once again to fill Twitter with the best and the worst of Glasgow’s cycling infrastructure.

Taking part on the day will be easy.  All you need is the desire to make Glasgow a better city for cycling… and a camera.  You don’t need a fancy camera, the one in your phone will do the job.  Just take a picture of any cycling infrastructure you see on Friday that you think is worth recording (or a place where you think it’s needed) and Tweet it with where you took it and the hashtag #GlasgowCyclieInfraDay17.  Don’t have a Twitter account?  No problem, just email it to and we’ll Tweet it for you.

It couldn’t be easier to help shape the future of cycling in Glasgow for everybody.

But we need your help before then too.

The more people who take part, the better the picture of Glasgow’s infrastructure we’ll end up with and the harder it will be to ignore us.  So please, spread the word.  Tell your friends.  Tweet about it.  Every single photograph is important so shout it from the rooftops: #GlasgowCycleInfra17 is coming! Get involved!!




The nights are drawing in but lots to do as September approaches

Yes, the nights are drawing in so it’s time to check out those lights for your bike, but don’t forget all the things that are on from now through into September.  We have told you about some of them and there is detail to follow on others, but here’s a summary – get them in your diary and get out to them on your bike: Continue reading “The nights are drawing in but lots to do as September approaches”

South Lanarkshire Cycling Partnership under threat – but safe for now – good news

Further to this bad news we have been told by Councillor Robert Brown, LibDem, that the Cycling Partnership is safe – for now – but we need to be vigilant and oppose any further attempt.

South Lanarkshire Council have for some time had a Cycling Partnership to promote and progress cycling issues within the area covered by the local authority.  GoBike has been represented on this Partnership. The new council, elected on 04 May, now propose to merge it into the Sustainability Partnership!

If we are going to get anything like 10% of journeys by bike by 2020, which is still the Scottish Government’s aim, then cycling must be given more prominence, not less. This is a backward move.

The council document, dated 10 May, which is going to be discussed tomorrow, 18 May, is here: South Lan bodies  and the relevant clause, 10.3 is reproduced here:

“10.3. In advance of the new Council, the list has been reviewed by the lead organisations. In terms of the South Lanarkshire Cycling Partnership, it is proposed that it be discontinued and its remit incorporated into that for the Sustainability Partnership. The Council is asked, as a matter of priority, to approve nominations to the joint committees/boards, statutory and partnership bodies detailed in Appendix 4. These are necessary to enable the respective organisations to formally re-establish themselves following the local government elections.”

If you live in South Lanarkshire please e-mail your councillors and ask them not to proceed with this regressive move.  You can find the councillors for your ward here  but do include Councillor Robert Brown in your list of addressees.  He has been prominent in support of cycling and active travel in South Lanarkshire and spoke at our Hustings last month.

Pedal on Parliament Glasgow is this Sunday, 23 April!

Here’s the route of Sunday’s Pedal on Parliament route from Glasgow Green to George Square and there’s an excellent video of the route being cycled on this page:

The route will be traffic-free, apart from lots of bikes!  There are feeder rides in for the 1pm set off and other ways of getting to the Green are given on this page:

Do make sure you are there to demonstrate the need for good cycle infrastructure not just in Glasgow but across Scotand.

Consultations – Govan Cross and a late response to the Active Travel Task Force

Glasgow City Council is planning further improvements to the public realm at Govan Cross, with initial details here: Public Space Improvements Flyer Reading View and we have submitted a positive response welcoming the changes, see our letter: GoBike Govan Cross support and comments 280317

We have, though, pointed out some concerns, such as the advisory cycle lanes on Langlands Road, which are used as linear car parks and the need for a link through to the west to the northern boundary of the hospital grounds.  That said, the proposals look forward to the new Govan-Partick bridge and provide a link from the bridge south through Govan for bikes.

This initial consultation closes on Friday, 31 March, so if you have views please get them in now.  Contact details are on the Public Space Improvements Flyer.


We have also sent in a late submission to the Scottish Government’s Active Travel Task Force.  You may remember that we met the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf, on 21 February and we discussed with him our 4 “asks”: “20mph speed in urban areas, Use of evidence when specifying design and location of urban cycle facilities, space reallocation and the introduction of Presumed Liability, as summarised here: Minister meeting 21_02_17 V3 Summary

Although we missed the closing date for initial submissions (10 March) we hope that our submission and follow-up information sent to the Minister was forwarded to the Task Force and we look forward to further contact.

Local Election Hustings, Wednesday 19 April


Local elections for the councillors who decide on our cycle facilities are being held on Thursday 04 May and GoBike is holding a hustings on Wednesday 19 April at the Admiral Bar, Waterloo Street, Glasgow.  Doors open at 7pm and the event starts at 7:30 with candidates from the 5 main parties, from Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire and South Lanarkshire  to answer your questions.

Here’s our flyer for the event: May2017 GB! Hustings flyer

Please come along to this event, bring your friends, so that you can decide how to vote to maximise the chances of us getting good cycle infrastructure on the routes we use.

More details to follow, so watch this space!

SNP Glasgow pledge 10% of transport budget for Active Travel

Susan Aitken, leader of the SNP group on Glasgow City Council has pledged to increase spending on walking and cycling to 10% of the transport budget if the SNP take control of the City Council in the May elections.

Come to the GoBike hustings on 19 April to check out what all the parties will spend across the Strathclyde area.