Locked in discussion?
Cycle parking is one of the topics in this Digest – the bike park inside Cadogan Square multi-storey car park (pictured, above) says something about the state of current facilities. Also, it contrasts with some of the points in Glasgow’s latest consultations; including about where cycling really sits in the transport hierarchy.
As shared paths are blocked around that big climate conference, there are question marks about whether the message on sustainable transport will get through. Drafts of two major strategies could set the tone for Glasgow in the next decade – both the Active Travel Strategy and Transport Strategy just happen to be out for consultation during COP26.
There are seven consultations for neighbouring areas but Glasgow will be hogging the headlines for the next few weeks. GoBike is running a ‘feeder ride’ from Lanarkshire in to the main climate demo on Sat 6 November. See other rides from around the city and beyond on Pedal on Parliament’s COP26 feeder rides page.
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