Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 81, 2 March 2021

St Andrews Drive, Glasgow

New consultations from the Southside and elsewhere in the city, plus more from North Lanarkshire.

In this Digest there are consultations for a few parts of the Southside and traffic orders for a few City Ways. Also, surveys and events on traffic and town hubs in North Lanarkshire.

If you’re in the city, see Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow to take in Spaces for People infrastructure. Part of the Southern route includes the SfP ‘pop-up’ bike lane on Dumbreck Road, which was recently removed “by mistake” but then reinstated.

Andy has also started to inform GoBike about closures and diversions; if you hear of any please do let us know.

Looking further ahead towards spring, and an election, Pedal on Parliament have news about their events in April.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 80, 16 February 2021

GRI, Castle St, night

Events and updates from the city and future plans for North Lanarkshire.

In this Digest there are consultation events for areas either side of the M8. There’s a return to pre-pandemic plans for a few City Ways. Also, adding paths and removing the precinct in Motherwell.

If you’re in the city, see Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow to take in Spaces for People infrastructure. He’s also started to inform GoBike about closures and diversions; if you hear of any please do let us know.

Looking further ahead towards spring, and an election, Pedal on Parliament have news about their events in April.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 79, 2 February 2021

Sign showing NCNs 74/75 at N British Rd, Uddingston

Quick trips to the seaside, countryside and updates from around the city.

In this Digest there are two projects by housing associations to improve active travel connections. The South Lanarkshire, (Y)our Districts and Woodside consultations are each from a wider ongoing series of events but could play a big part in shaping the areas they cover. Lastly there’s a follow-up about East Renfrewshire and a few newsletters.

If you’re in the city, see Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow to take in new Spaces for People infrastructure. He’s also started to inform GoBike about closures and diversions; if you hear of any please do let us know.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 76, 22 December 2020

Visualisation of Spaces for People measures on Armadale St

Mostly long term consultations except for a sudden Spaces for People scheme in Dennistoun.

Our blog post called it a ‘Low-ish Traffic Neighbourhood’. Does it qualify as an LTN? It’s included in one of Andy’s three infrastructure routes so you may get the chance to see for yourself if you’re in Glasgow.

There’s also a recent petition for segregated cycle lanes at the Kelvin Way-University Avenue junction (open for signing until 28 January). It’s near Hillhead Primary School, which also features for its School Street…

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Consultation Digest Issue 72, 27 October 2020: bike storage – do get your views in to the Scottish Government!

Secure bike store at Alexandra Park Cycle Hub

Another selection of items for you, but please do respond to the OnBikes survey and, if you are a tenement resident, let’s get some bike storage, see Item 1.5. Also, don’t forget the language survey in 1.4. Lots to keep you busy but do read on for even more.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 72, 27 October 2020: bike storage – do get your views in to the Scottish Government!”

Consultation Digest Issue 71, 13 October 2020: How do we talk about cycling and where do we store our bikes?

The language we use can be critical, as we know from so many spheres of our lives, so do please look at the journalism survey in Item 1.6.
Where can you store your bike if you live in a tenement etc? See the consultation on development in Item 1.7.
Plus we have important updates of speed cushions – confirmation of 8 more areas to be given this treatment, as well as less predictable issues, so do please read on.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 71, 13 October 2020: How do we talk about cycling and where do we store our bikes?”

Consultation Digest Issue 68, 01 September 2020: Humps all the way in Glasgow and in North Lanarkshire it’s Roads, Roads and more Roads

Glasgow City Council have found 3 more areas that don’t yet have speed cushions – why can’t they wait for the Liveable Neighbourhoods Plan to be adopted? GoBike agrees that speeding motor traffic is a menace but our view is that the solution is bigger than speed cushions, as we explain in Section 1.
North Lanarkshire have found millions of pounds to spend on roads to Ravenscraig but not a cycle lane to be seen, see Item 3.3.
Better news: there’s still time to support Living Streets for their excellent campaign to get parked cars off our pavements and do please respond to the online survey on the Town Centre Action Plan.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 68, 01 September 2020: Humps all the way in Glasgow and in North Lanarkshire it’s Roads, Roads and more Roads”

Consultation Digest Issue 66, 04 August 2020: an abundance of new Consultations, some very topical and some old “favourites”. So do get involved in improving where you live.

Glasgow City Council seem to have exhausted themselves with providing pop-up cycle lanes etc for social distancing and now we are back to “normal” with 5 proposals for traffic calming in different parts of the city. Plus GoBike members have been proactive in informing us that we need to protect what we’ve got in terms of current cycle provision and to consider changes to the Highway Code. And there’s even more, so do please read on.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 66, 04 August 2020: an abundance of new Consultations, some very topical and some old “favourites”. So do get involved in improving where you live.”

Consultation Digest Issue 65, 21 July 2020: What’s happened to Pavement Parking? Proposals approved but not enacted! Plus a request to contribute to the Streets for All Glasgow Commonplace Map, and more.

Cycling around the city reminds us that GoBike supported the proposed ban on pavement parking in Scotland and we supported the Deposit Return Scheme to, hopefully, get some of the glass off our streets. We’ve done a check and have updates for you, see Section 3, though the news could be better, plus updates from north, west and south of Glasgow and Motherwell. Do read on.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 65, 21 July 2020: What’s happened to Pavement Parking? Proposals approved but not enacted! Plus a request to contribute to the Streets for All Glasgow Commonplace Map, and more.”

Consultation Digest Issue 63, 23 June 2020: Have you put your comments on Commonplace yet?

There has been much publicity about the measures that are required or being considered to cope with the current COVID-19 pandemic and we, the public, have been asked for our views. The format for our views is the Commonplace Map and we feature 2 in this Digest, the one for Glasgow and the one for East Renfrewshire. We must ALL contribute to these maps; we ALL know where changes, big or small, will make cycling better for us all.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 63, 23 June 2020: Have you put your comments on Commonplace yet?”