Consultation Digest (National) Issue 12, 8 April 2022: The one before the local elections.

Low angle looking north on Victoria Road, Glasgow showing bike symbol painted on South City Way cycletrack

There’s less than a month until the local elections on 5 May and lots of ways to get involved. Call on your candidates and on politicians to support action for cycling – there’s a special roundup of election actions you can take at the end of this digest.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 106, 17 February 2022

Plan of George Square showing statues repositioned

March-ing Orders & musical statues?

The Public Sector is getting close to its ‘end of year’ in March. That may explain why half a dozen new Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) have just been published. Also, an older Order was passed for 20mph on Byres Rd in the West End. A few TROs are for Spaces for People measures in Glasgow. Obviously, none of East Dunbartonshire’s TROs are for SfP (as the only mainland Scottish council not to put in a bid).

‘What do we want for our city’s front room?’ – asks the latest George Square consultation. Elsewhere, North Lanarkshire is sounding people out about two active travel hubs and East Renfrewshire is sticking to its guns.

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 10, 28 Jan 2022: The one with the carrots

In my nearly 20 years of policy work, I’ve never known a time where there have been so many major consultations live at the same time. It’s time to get busy – plus there’s the local elections on 5 May, now less than 100 days away.

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 9, 10 Dec 2021: The one after the Budget

We are a few month’s into the current parliamentary term and here come the consultations on government policy. I expect quite a few over the coming months. The 4th National Planning Framework is the main focus of this digest with two live consultations – from the Government and from a Parliamentary Committee.

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Consultation Digest Issue 35, 28 May 2019 with some new feedback, but no new consultations, giving you time to respond to the issues that are still current

Quite a concentration on parking in this issue, with waiting/loading restrictions proposed for Bearsden, Laurieston and University Avenue, but also important access proposals for 6 schools in Glasgow plus an update on the workplace parking levy and measures to reduce congestion in Glasgow City Centre. Where would we be without car parking? Do read on ….

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Consultation Extra: South Lanarkshire Survey, closes 14 April, for all of you who live, work or travel in Cambuslang or Rutherglen

South Lanarkshire Council logo

News in from Derek Y, one of our sources on what’s happening in South Lanarkshire:

Message from South Lanarkshire Council about consultation for Cambuslang/Rutherglen:

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Consultation Digest Issue 31, 04 April 2019 featuring Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire and North Lanarkshire

Publishing a little late but hey, it’s school holidays, less traffic on the streets and, apart from that, your Digest author has been otherwise engaged. We have all sorts for you in this issue, so do please read on.

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Consultation Extra: Glasgow, North City Way, public engagement Wednesday 03 April, and Community Links Plus

Received just this afternoon, at 18:01 from a poor soul working late on a Friday, an email from Glasgow City Council:



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Consultation Digest Issue 30, 19 March 2019: Get your views in now to the SPT regional survey and the Get Glasgow Moving petition, and is transformation possible?

In this issue we have two chances to input on public transport. The first is closing tomorrow, for the SPT, which is very active and public transport oriented, and the second is a Get Glasgow Moving petition. A strong voice on the Get Glasgow Moving input could influence official thinking on both the SPT and transformational frameworks such as that for the Glasgow Broomielaw featured below. Plus a late entry – a survey on a possible bike hire scheme in Motherwell! However, 2 further late entries to this Digest throw a cloud on the long-promised Sauchiehall Street avenue concept.

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