Consultation Digest Issue 54, 18 February 2020: An event today for Battlefield, one tomorrow for Yorkhill & Kelvingrove, and yet more on “traffic calming”.

This is, primarily, the feedback issue, with 16 updates on items that have been covered before. These include 10 consultation submissions: 4 for Traffic Calming (speed cushions proposed for all), 3 for Byres Road, 1 for proposed one-way with no contraflow (but see our final item for what we hope is a change for the better) 1 for Car Club Electric Vehicle Charging Points (the location of which cause some concern, but we include a different approach from North Lanarkshire) and 1 high-level District Regeneration Framework – thanks to all the people who contributed to the letters submitted, but do please read on for the detail and stushies at 2 big football clubs.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 54, 18 February 2020: An event today for Battlefield, one tomorrow for Yorkhill & Kelvingrove, and yet more on “traffic calming”.”

Consultation Extra: 18 February, additional South City Way event for Battlefield extension.

GoBike members and supporters will be very aware of the proposals for the South City Way to extend to Battlefield. Consultation events and proposals last year were well reported in our Digests and GoBike was involved in the consultation process with Sustrans and the City Council. However, it seems that residents on nearby Queen’s Drive claim to have been unaware that changes were afoot! Read on for a reprint of today’s article in the Glasgow Times by Catriona Stewart:

Continue reading “Consultation Extra: 18 February, additional South City Way event for Battlefield extension.”

Consultation Digest Issue 51, 07 January 2020: A Very Happy New Year to All Our Readers, and a few reminders

As our Digest enters not only its second half-century, but a new decade, this seems a good time to encourage any of you out there who are not yet GoBike members to join us. GoBike is only as strong as its members. We are people who recognise the need for good cycle infrastructure and so we campaign for it. We receive no public funding, have no paid employees, and are run entirely by volunteers, but we do have enthusiastic members who are pleased to get involved and/or pay our minimum fee of £5 per year (and many pay more). Do please join us but also read on for the news, including the long-awaited Byres Road TROs, we have for you.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 51, 07 January 2020: A Very Happy New Year to All Our Readers, and a few reminders”

Looking forward to a Brexit New Year? NO? Then cycle out with GoBike on 05 January and see what we should be campaigning on in 2020.

Join us on the monthly GoBike ride on Sunday 05 January, look at what we’ve got and see how much more we need. Here are the details:

Continue reading “Looking forward to a Brexit New Year? NO? Then cycle out with GoBike on 05 January and see what we should be campaigning on in 2020.”

Consultation Digest Issue 40, 06 August 2019

This Digest contains only one new consultation but it’s a big one, from Transport Scotland and there is a surprising amount of feedback, finishing with the excellent news that Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council have been successful in gaining funding for their cycling village. The picture heading this Digest shows the proposed new bridge over the Clyde, see Item 3.11.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 40, 06 August 2019”

** UPDATE 2 ** Side Streets

We have previously let you know about concerns arising around side street design in new schemes within Glasgow, and as detailed in our previous blogs, have been in touch with Sustrans and Glasgow City Council about the safety issues we feel are important to urgently address.

If you haven’t caught our discussions so far you can catch up here:

Continue reading “** UPDATE 2 ** Side Streets”

How the other 50% gets around

GoBike calls for a drastic overhaul on gritting priorities from Glasgow City Council. Almost 50% of Glaswegians don’t have access to a private car. For them walking and cycling is not active travel, but is how they get around. Transport Poverty is a real factor to a number of people in this city.

Last week saw ice return to Glasgow. At the same time the focus of getting Glaswgians to participate in active travel seemed to go out of the window. Footpath and cycle lanes were ice rinks. In the light of lots of disquiet from our members about the unjust priorities the council have set for gritting, we have decided it is time for action.

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Side Streets

We’ve had a lot of disquiet from our members this week about a side street that has been unveiled on the South City Way. While we do know and understand that our council is making great steps forward with schemes such as the SCW, and that UK design guidance on side street treatments has a long way to come, the safety of people cycling is at the heart of what we campaign for. We are so aware that side streets are a common source of collisions and so for the sake of safety, we want to work to get this right.

We’ve been in touch with GCC and Sustrans as follows, and will keep you updated on any progress.

Hi to our contacts in LES, Sustrans, and Cllr Richardson,

First of all thank you for the work you are doing to create safe places to cycle in Glasgow. We can see how hard everyone is working on getting this right, however we at GoBike wanted to get in touch to express our concerns about the designs on side streets that we are seeing emerging on the ground, particularly in reference to the most recently completed junction on the SCW at Turriff Street, but also in the wider context of other schemes in the planning stages.

Continue reading “Side Streets”