This Digest contains only one new consultation but it’s a big one, from Transport Scotland and there is a surprising amount of feedback, finishing with the excellent news that Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council have been successful in gaining funding for their cycling village. The picture heading this Digest shows the proposed new bridge over the Clyde, see Item 3.11.
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 40, 06 August 2019”Consultation Digest Issue 39, 23 July 2019: featuring a park, an airport, parking and avenues.
This issue contains disconcerting news about parking in 2 residential areas of Glasgow and promising news about Battlefield, City Centre avenues, City Deal works around Glasgow Airport and Pollok Park. Do read on:
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 39, 23 July 2019: featuring a park, an airport, parking and avenues.”Consultation Digest Issue 38, 10 July 2019: the South City Way approaches the City Centre
This issue, a day late – sorry – contains news of proposed building works at Glasgow University that conveniently ignore the lack of cycling access, the South City Way advances to King Street, lots of forthcoming consultations and, in feedback, we hear that more parking attendants are to be employed in Glasgow – let’s hope they can get parking controlled, but do read on for more. There’s a surprising amount of news given that we are now into summer holidays.
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 38, 10 July 2019: the South City Way approaches the City Centre”Consultation Digest Issue 35, 28 May 2019 with some new feedback, but no new consultations, giving you time to respond to the issues that are still current
Quite a concentration on parking in this issue, with waiting/loading restrictions proposed for Bearsden, Laurieston and University Avenue, but also important access proposals for 6 schools in Glasgow plus an update on the workplace parking levy and measures to reduce congestion in Glasgow City Centre. Where would we be without car parking? Do read on ….
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 35, 28 May 2019 with some new feedback, but no new consultations, giving you time to respond to the issues that are still current”Kelvin Walkway – work starts tomorrow, 29 May, could take 2 weeks to complete, update to our post of 14 May.

We have been alerted by GoBike member, Alasdair (who is also a Sustrans volunteer), who has forwarded news of works STARTING TOMORROW, 29 MAY, to a retaining wall on the Kelvin Walkway close to the junction of Garrioch Drive and Garrioch Quadrant.
Continue reading “Kelvin Walkway – work starts tomorrow, 29 May, could take 2 weeks to complete, update to our post of 14 May.”Consultation Extra: Glasgow, North City Way, public engagement Wednesday 03 April, and Community Links Plus

Received just this afternoon, at 18:01 from a poor soul working late on a Friday, an email from Glasgow City Council:
Consultation Digest Issue 24, 18 December 2018 – East Dunbartonshire news / the River Clyde / default urban 20mph
This fortnight we have two new consultations in from East Dunbartonshire, plus high level previews of two Strategic Development Frameworks (SDFs) for Glasgow (the River Clyde corridor and Govan – Partick), as well as an update on campaigning for a 20mph default speed limit in our towns and cities. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 24, 18 December 2018 – East Dunbartonshire news / the River Clyde / default urban 20mph”
Consultation Digest Issue 23, 04 December 2018, Get your support in for a 20mph default urban speed limit and major changes in Glasgow
Hopefully the Restricted Roads (20 mph Speed Limit) Bill, inspired by Mark Ruskell MSP, will bring a 20mph default speed limit to all of our towns and cities. In other news, private cars are to be filtered away from Union Street in Glasgow, a consultation for Toryglen, a consultation for all of East Dunbartonshire and some more …. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 23, 04 December 2018, Get your support in for a 20mph default urban speed limit and major changes in Glasgow”
Consultation Digest Issue 22, 20 November 2018: A bumper bundle of new consultations.
Good news: Glasgow City Council is looking to reduce traffic on Oswald Street and Union Street (pictured left) in an attempt to cut emissions. Not so good news is that no cycle lanes are proposed but see more detail in item 1.5. Excellent news: consultation is underway on improving walking and cycling on the “Underline”, (see Item 1.3) but bad news is that there is still no word on the status of contraflow for Elmbank Street to allow northbound cycle access to Sauchiehall Street (see Item 3.1 for this). We have lots more for you in this issue so do please read on. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 22, 20 November 2018: A bumper bundle of new consultations.”