We have received the e-mail in italics below relating to a MEETING TONIGHT plus a poster, CityDeal-PublicExhibitions-June2016-flyer-v2 relating to a new bridge over the Clyde, proposed as part of the Glasgow Area City Deal. Sorry about the short notice but see the links for further information. Let’s hope this improves the active travel possibilities across the Clyde.
“From: Hendry, Linda [mailto:Linda.Hendry@glasgow.gov.uk]
Sent: 13 June 2016 13:12
To: ‘Lynne McRitchie’ <lynne@wcavsn.co.uk>
Subject: FW: River Crossing/City Deal
Importance: High
Hi Lynne
There will be a special meeting of Garscadden/Scotstounhill Area Partnership, the invitation has been extended to non- members. Therefore can you please pass this on to any interested parties.
As previously stated the meeting will take in Yoker Community Campus on Wednesday 15th June 6.30pm-7.30pm with a single item agenda on City Deal /Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside (£78m). (Please see attached paper). There will be a presentation by members of Renfrewshire Council. This will precede the exhibition to be held on Tuesday 21st June also in Yoker Community Campus from 10am-7pm. (flyer attached)
Kind regards
Linda Hendry
Partnership and Development Officer
Partnership and Development (North West Team)
Democratic Services
Chief Executive’s Department
Glasgow City Council
The Albany Centre
44 Ashley Street
Glasgow G3 6DS
Main Telephone: 0141 276 9900
Direct Line: 0141 276 9886
Fax: 0141276 9909
Email: lindahendry@glasgow.gov.uk”