GoBike member, Jimmy, in South Lanarkshire, has forwarded this email notifying cancellation/postponement of events planned for today and tomorrow.
Continue reading “Consultation Extra, Update 2 to Digest 56, 17 March 2020, South Lanarkshire Active Travel Events today and tomorrow, CANCELLED.”Consultation Extra, Update to Digest 56, 17 March 2020, North Lanarkshire CANCELS East Airdrie Link Road events for today, Thursday and Saturday
Just 15 minutes after today’s Digest was published – in time to make you aware of events in North Lanarkshire, this message came in:
Continue reading “Consultation Extra, Update to Digest 56, 17 March 2020, North Lanarkshire CANCELS East Airdrie Link Road events for today, Thursday and Saturday”Consultation Digest Issue 54, 18 February 2020: An event today for Battlefield, one tomorrow for Yorkhill & Kelvingrove, and yet more on “traffic calming”.
This is, primarily, the feedback issue, with 16 updates on items that have been covered before. These include 10 consultation submissions: 4 for Traffic Calming (speed cushions proposed for all), 3 for Byres Road, 1 for proposed one-way with no contraflow (but see our final item for what we hope is a change for the better) 1 for Car Club Electric Vehicle Charging Points (the location of which cause some concern, but we include a different approach from North Lanarkshire) and 1 high-level District Regeneration Framework – thanks to all the people who contributed to the letters submitted, but do please read on for the detail and stushies at 2 big football clubs.
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 54, 18 February 2020: An event today for Battlefield, one tomorrow for Yorkhill & Kelvingrove, and yet more on “traffic calming”.”Consultation Digest Issue 53, 04 February 2020: Cars, Parking, 20mph, Avenues and Housing – it’s all here.
Glasgow City Council maintain their policy of “Streets for Cars” by installing speed cushions to deter high motor speeds rather than installing cycle lanes or doing other public realm works, and we also look at completed works in the east of Glasgow that we previously commented on.
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 53, 04 February 2020: Cars, Parking, 20mph, Avenues and Housing – it’s all here.”Consultation Digest Issue 47, 12 November 2019: Good News and Bad News from Glasgow City Council
Glasgow City Council have now placed GoBike on the Stage One List of Statutory Consultees. This means that we are provided with details of proposals that the City Council is considering for a future Traffic Regulation Order, but, if the reaction at this first stage is not supportive the Council might not proceed with it.
This is very good news for GoBike but if does mean that we have to review our ways of working. We are not allowed to publicise the proposals until they proceed to the formal TRO stage and we are now working on a process for effective Stage One review.
So that is the good news from Glasgow City Council and the bad news is contained within Item 3.1, a Parking and One-Way Street issue, but do read on for our list of contents and the wide range of issues that we bring to you in this issue:
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 47, 12 November 2019: Good News and Bad News from Glasgow City Council”Consultation Digest Issue 46, 29 October 2019: Queen Margaret Drive and Automated Vehicles are back, plus lots more.
There’s news from Dundee, East Dunbartonshire, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire as well as items from Glasgow, including a Glasgow University public meeting, covering University Avenue and a failure to acknowledge a dimension error, if you get to the very last item, in this wide-ranging mix of cycling interest. Do read on.
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 46, 29 October 2019: Queen Margaret Drive and Automated Vehicles are back, plus lots more.”Petition: Keep National Cycle Route 75 Open During Public Events in Glasgow Green
Here’s a reminder from GoBike member, Bob Downie, about the petition he has lodged with Glasgow City Council:
Hi Folks
Next year the TRNSMT Festival will be back in Glasgow Green from the 10-12th July. We wish it every success but there is no reason that the NCR75 cycleway should be shut at the same time. If you live in Glasgow and haven’t got around to signing, then the petition closes on the 28th October. Please sign and pass the link onto your friends and family.
Lets keep NCR75 open at all times. After all, it’s the busiest and best cycleway in Glasgow.

Consultation Digest Issue 45, 15 October 2019: Commuter parking, Byres Road delay, speed cameras and a GoBike member’s petition feature in this issue.
Commuter parking continues to be of concern, not just in leafy Hillhead but in Dalmarnock. We feature a petition to keep NCN 75 through Glasgow Green open during events – it needs your signature – plus a conversation about George Square, and, in feedback, we learn how speed cameras may not be installed by local authorities alone. Do please read on.
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 45, 15 October 2019: Commuter parking, Byres Road delay, speed cameras and a GoBike member’s petition feature in this issue.”Consultation Extra: Active Travel for Everyone event in Edinburgh, 19 October
In Digest 43, Item 2.1, we told you about a forthcoming conference to discuss and progress active travel issues for all. It is to be held in Edinburgh on 19 October and here are the details and the booking link from the Walk, Cycle, Vote organisers:
Continue reading “Consultation Extra: Active Travel for Everyone event in Edinburgh, 19 October”Consultation Digest Issue 35, 28 May 2019 with some new feedback, but no new consultations, giving you time to respond to the issues that are still current
Quite a concentration on parking in this issue, with waiting/loading restrictions proposed for Bearsden, Laurieston and University Avenue, but also important access proposals for 6 schools in Glasgow plus an update on the workplace parking levy and measures to reduce congestion in Glasgow City Centre. Where would we be without car parking? Do read on ….
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 35, 28 May 2019 with some new feedback, but no new consultations, giving you time to respond to the issues that are still current”