On Tuesday GoBike published its latest Consultation Digest including details of work brought forward around Glasgow’s George Square to reduce private motor traffic 7am to 7pm and also measures to allow space for social distancing. But what’s the reality?
Continue reading “Is it a bike lane, a wider footway or a parking space?”Consultation Digest Issue 58, 14 April 2020: Consultations almost as rare as hens’ teeth.
Just one new consultation for you this fortnight, but it’s a fun one to respond to online; it will amuse you, encourage you and perhaps even enrage you! Do delve into Item 1.1, and then read on for our other news.
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 58, 14 April 2020: Consultations almost as rare as hens’ teeth.”Byres Road TROs Need Your Support
You may have seen in our last Consultations Digest that Byres Road Traffic Regulation Orders are out for consultation until Friday 14th February. We are expecting there to be some backlash against these and so your emails of support could go a long way to countering any opposition.
Continue reading “Byres Road TROs Need Your Support”Consultation Extra: University Avenue, consultation closes TODAY, 07 JUNE so there’s just time to sign our petition or get your response in.
Consultation on both the 20mph proposed speed limit and the waiting and loading regulations, which includes the uphill painted cycle lanes, close today so there is just time, if you haven’t done so already, to sign our petition:
Continue reading “Consultation Extra: University Avenue, consultation closes TODAY, 07 JUNE so there’s just time to sign our petition or get your response in.”Consultation Digest Issue 34, 17 May 2019, University Avenue petition, another contraflow refusal and much, much more in this mega issue.
Apologies for the late issue of this Digest, but family and other commitments plus lots of information coming in for you, and a shy and retiring co-Convenor (she put out a super message yesterday) have delayed things. We have some news of University Avenue, good news about the closure of streets around a few schools in Glasgow, parking restrictions in Bearsden and at work, and yet another refusal of contraflow cycling.
Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 34, 17 May 2019, University Avenue petition, another contraflow refusal and much, much more in this mega issue.”It’s time for ACTION on University Avenue
** Sign and share our petition. **
It’s crunch time for University Avenue, and we would like to ask for your help. Current plans for the redesign of this key arterial street do not include protected space for cycling and we simply cannot allow for the plans to go through unresisted. It would be a tragedy for the future of a safe linked up network of direct cycling routes in our city if University Avenue does not make space for protected cycling – for the staff and students who travel to the University, for the commuters who use the direct route to pass through, for parents taking their children to school or to the park, and for everyone who would like to chose to cycle but won’t, because sharing road space with heavier and faster moving vehicles stops them.
Review of University Avenue proposals called for in light of University of Glasgow Climate Emergency declaration
We were surprised and pleased to see yesterday that the University of Glasgow have joined other institutions by finally recognising that we are in a state of climate emergency. Clearly this will have implications for the implementation of safe sustainable travel on University Avenue and so we have written to the principle as follows:
Continue reading “Review of University Avenue proposals called for in light of University of Glasgow Climate Emergency declaration”GoBike Board of Shame Pop Up – University Avenue
The notorious Board of Shame is still out there on it’s Pedal on Parliament weekend adventures, its latest location having been spotted on the equally notorious University Avenue. Highlighting the fact that both the University of Glasgow and Glasgow City Council have drastically failed to uphold active travel policies, the Board marked the Uni failing harshly, and rightly so. A lack of protected space for cycling on University Avenue will create a gap in any chance of a linked up cycling network in Glasgow.
Continue reading “GoBike Board of Shame Pop Up – University Avenue”East Renfrewshire protest was just the ticket!
As a part of Pedal on Parliaments pop up weekend last week GoBike hosted a pretend parking ticket hill climb race designed to protest the need for safer cycling conditions in East Renfrewshire. This attracted local participants on Ayr Road, who rode bikes up the hill and delivered fliers to cars parked in the cycle lanes.
GoBike Board of Shame Pop Up – Kilmarnock Road Door Zone
GoBike’s Board of Shame is out and about for Pedal on Parliament’s pop-up weekend. Many of you found it yesterday on Kilmarnock Road in the nasty cycle lane painted in the door zone. We have written to the council off the back of the protest. It read:
“Roll Up! Roll Up! For Glasgow City Council’s FREE ride of danger rollercoaster THE DOOR ZONE!! Ride in it and get whacked! Ride out of it and get smacked! No height restrictions apply! Mind how you go! Brought to you by GoBike for Pedal on Parliament pop up weekend. #pop2019 #popuppop @gobikeglasgow
We have written to the council off the back of the protest.
Continue reading “GoBike Board of Shame Pop Up – Kilmarnock Road Door Zone”