We have been sent an e-mail with the following message about the proposed redevelopment of Byres Road, with an invitation to attend the consultation event on 23 February:
“There’s a new Byres Road coming….
Funding of £9m has been allocated through the Glasgow City Region Deal to make Byres Road better for people. This means improvements for walking, cycling, air and noise pollution, business and community activity. And there will be still be room for buses, cars and delivery vehicles.
Consultation and design work are starting now. Construction will take place from autumn 2018. Yes, it really will happen!
The Council’s media release from 24 January 2017 contains more information: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=20609
Our dedicated Facebook page will have updates throughout the project: www.facebook.com/ByresRoadCorners