Consultation Digest Issue 24, 18 December 2018 – East Dunbartonshire news / the River Clyde / default urban 20mph


This fortnight we have two new consultations in from East Dunbartonshire, plus high level previews of two Strategic Development Frameworks (SDFs) for Glasgow (the River Clyde corridor and Govan – Partick), as well as an update on campaigning for a 20mph default speed limit in our towns and cities. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 24, 18 December 2018 – East Dunbartonshire news / the River Clyde / default urban 20mph”

Consultation Digest Issue 23, 04 December 2018, Get your support in for a 20mph default urban speed limit and major changes in Glasgow

Hopefully the Restricted Roads (20 mph Speed Limit) Bill, inspired by Mark Ruskell MSP, will bring a 20mph default speed limit to all of our towns and cities. In other news, private cars are to be filtered away from Union Street in Glasgow, a consultation for Toryglen, a consultation for all of East Dunbartonshire and some more …. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 23, 04 December 2018, Get your support in for a 20mph default urban speed limit and major changes in Glasgow”

Consultation Extra: East Dunbartonshire Council, Local Development Plan 2, drop-in sessions, 04 December –

News just in on Friday from East Dunbartonshire Council:

“East Dunbartonshire Council is about to start working on a new Local Development Plan (LDP) for the area ? LDP 2. As a first step in this process, the Council’s ‘Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets Committee’ is scheduled to consider the work programme and early engagement proposals at its meeting on Thursday 29th November 2018. You can view the associated officer’s report, which includes details of the proposed consultation, via the Council’s Committee Document facility (Report No: PNCA/162/18/AL) from approximately 5pm today (Friday 23 November 2018).

Continue reading “Consultation Extra: East Dunbartonshire Council, Local Development Plan 2, drop-in sessions, 04 December –”

Consultation Digest Issue 17, 04 September 2018, New Cycle Bridges, Re-design for Battlefield and lots more.

Stockingfield Bridge

We have lots of news, good and not so good, in this issue – a new bridge over the Black Cart in Renfrewshire, a possible new bridge over the canal at Stockingfield, good and not so good news from Clyde Place/Buchanan Wharf, 20mph confirmed for Calton Barras, proposals for new offences of causing death or serious injury while cycling and much, much  more, so please read on. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 17, 04 September 2018, New Cycle Bridges, Re-design for Battlefield and lots more.”

Consultation Digest Issue 16, 21 August 2018: Activity in Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland and the UK

The schools are back, the roads are busy, but unfortunately not many parents and carers cycle with their children to school, so do please respond to the Glasgow North East Travel Routes Consultation that closes tomorrow and the other consultations listed that will make it easier for us all to get around by bike. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 16, 21 August 2018: Activity in Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland and the UK”

Consultation Digest Issue 15, 07 August 2018: Ever had a puncture on Broken Glass? The Deposit Return Scheme Survey may help

It’s been another quiet fortnight on the consultations front but we have a couple of interesting ones for you to respond to. These are the Scottish Government’s Deposit Return Scheme and a final push on Pavement Parking from Living Street. We also have a reminder about the Buchanan Wharf development that closes today, and don’t forget the Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes Consultation Event tomorrow.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 15, 07 August 2018: Ever had a puncture on Broken Glass? The Deposit Return Scheme Survey may help”

Consultation Digest Issue 14, 14 July 2018: Holiday time but do respond to the Lennoxtown plan and support the South West City Way with the new development on Clyde Place

For this fortnight we have good news for Lennoxtown as a draft place plan consultation reaches us – but do they go far enough for active travel? We also have some of the detail for the development at Clyde Place, Tradeston, now to be known as Buchanan Wharf. In other news we also have some interesting feedback from Glasgow City Council, and Sustrans are undertaking a review on the National Cycle Network. Other than that been it’s very quiet, giving us time to get out and cycle. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 14, 14 July 2018: Holiday time but do respond to the Lennoxtown plan and support the South West City Way with the new development on Clyde Place”

Consultation Digest Issue 11, Going squinty about the Squinty Bridge, Byres Road submission, 20mph, parking etc etc

Here’s the bridge with three names: Clyde Arc, Finnieston and Squinty and it’s currently sending us a bit squinty.  There have been several changes in the traffic regime over the bridge since it was built with a recent one being the inclusion of bikes on the Fastlink bus lanes on the west side, but now Glasgow City Council propose to also allow taxis.  Oh dear. See our detailed response in item 1.8. We also have lots more for you in this digest, including the contrasting GoBike responses to Byres Road and South City Way, so do please read on. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 11, Going squinty about the Squinty Bridge, Byres Road submission, 20mph, parking etc etc”

Consultation Digest Issue 10, 30 May 2018, Byres Road and lots lots more!

Yes, as you probably know, the Byres Road consultation has started (see below (1.9)) and we are extremely disappointed. And there’s loads more in this digest. Parking controls in Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill West, and near Lenzie Station – calling all residents of those areas for comments!  20mph areas – we have our response to Woodside and news of the Calton Barras proposal for just east of the City Centre. The city centre is already a 20mph zone, but why doesn’t anyone let the motor drivers know? There’s also news of moves to change the road layout at the SEC in Glasgow, with not a thought to those of us who go by bike, and furthermore, we will be suggesting Dutch-style roundabout layouts for Spiersbridge and Eastwood Toll roundabouts in East Renfrewshire. Please read on: Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 10, 30 May 2018, Byres Road and lots lots more!”

Consultations Digest Issue 9, 15 May: Cycle Lanes and Hazardous Access to Glasgow City Centre plus Dangerous Roundabouts in East Renfrewshire.

East Renfrewshire Council are asking for views on both the Eastwood Toll Roundabout( A77/A727), (pictured left) and the Spiersbridge Roundabout (A727/B769) (Item 1.1) and in other news, yes that’s right, Glasgow City Council are unable to give us cycle lanes along Bridge Street to get us to the Clyde (Item 3.1).

As well as this we have some exciting news from Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council, who are looking to make their area active travel friendly!  Let’s hope it catches on (Item 1.7). Continue reading “Consultations Digest Issue 9, 15 May: Cycle Lanes and Hazardous Access to Glasgow City Centre plus Dangerous Roundabouts in East Renfrewshire.”