Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 165, 22 August 2024

A man cycling past an NCN74 sign on paths in Chatelherault Country Park

A fork in the path?

This issue includes a regional strategy, a few TROs, openings, development plans, Lanarkshire parks and Renfrewshire villages.

There’s another event about Elderslie TODAY 2–7pm in Erskine Sport Centre.

There have been some responses about the future of the Digest. They’ve been split between ones who like the current Digest and those in favour of a more general newsletter.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 147, 4 November 2023

City Centre Strategy graphic

Running on empty…

Unfortunately, this Digest is even later than other recent issues as it’s become a struggle for your author to find time for them. This issue has less info than previous ones so it’s quicker to produce. The format of the Digest will have to change further to make it sustainable in future.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 146, 19 October 2023

Visualisation of Ayrshire Central gatehouses off Kilwinning Rd, Irvine

Out of the rubble…

As destruction dominates the news abroad and in parts of the UK, there’s little solace to be found. However, this issue has a few consultations with plans for new construction following demolitions in North Glasgow and North Ayrshire. Also, renewal for a town centre in South Lanarkshire. In Glasgow, there are plans for city centre junctions and a ‘conversation’ event in the Southside. Elsewhere, there’s a one-way system proposed in Renfrewshire.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 137, 15 June 2023

Duke St - option 1: a 2-way cycleway on southern side of road

Bright sun and dark shadows.

As we move into summer holiday time (and Pride month) some new consultations are coming out. The biggest in this issue is the final section of Glasgow’s Avenues Plus project – Duke St and John Knox St. Also, another look at plans for Bishopbriggs town centre. Elsewhere it’s North Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire and Loch Lomond.

Sadly May ended with news of a serious collision on Fielden St, Glasgow with a car driver reportedly hitting a cyclist. Tragically, John Morton died in hospital from his injuries on 4 June. GoBike would like to offer sincere condolences to John’s family and friends.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 136, 01 June 2023

Dunoon ferry terminal visualisation

Being prAGMatic?

The heat is on in June with tight deadlines and tight spaces in South Lanarkshire and Argyll & Bute. Also, updates from North Ayrshire and North Lanarkshire.

As the Argyle Street West TRO closes, an Avenues Plus consultation is due to open in the East End.

It’s also an important time for GoBike with our AGM on Saturday 3 June (World Bicycle Day!), our monthly ride on Sunday 4 June and then the Accessible and Inclusive Design Forum on the Monday.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 135, 18 May 2023

Argyle Street West plan, M8 to James Watt St

Putting the ‘Arg’ in Argyle St.

Plans for Argyle St West have re-appeared as a Traffic Order, looking very similar to the last time we shook our heads at them. Most other consultations are continued from the last issue in Ayrshire, Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire and the National Park. Plus, there’s more on the phases of the City Network Delivery Plan.

Also, there are new events on the horizon for Govan Graving Docks…

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 134, 04 May 2023

Map of four phases of Connecting Yorkhill and Kelvingrove project

Return of the City.

After a few issues led by other areas, Glasgow strikes back in this edition. A report on the City Network Delivery Plan offers new hope. Also, the former city ‘Cycling Village’ lands with new proposals (phase map shown, above – sadly the event for it has just passed). Elsewhere in the West End, there’s a Glasgow Uni event about its campus coming soon (see below).

Also, there are projects from South Lanarkshire, East Dunbartonshire and Renfrewshire plus reports from Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park and East Renfrewshire.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 133, 20 April 2023

Ravenscraig new dual carriageway visualisation

Look North.

After Ayrshire dominating the last issue, this time North Lanarkshire joins North Ayrshire and a new consultation on North Woodside Road, Glasgow. Sadly, NLC favour new roads and shared paths over on-street segregation (see above). However, there’s a chance to ask for better in their new strategy.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 132, 30 March 2023

Barassie-Prestwick Ayrshire Link aerial map

Behind the scenes.

Glasgow takes a back seat for once as Ayrshire dominates this Digest with a few major strategies and active travel routes. Elsewhere, a big development near Cumbernauld is back for round two.

Renfrewshire sees the latest knee-jerk reaction against cycling infrastructure that could be a crucial link between public transport and an NCN route.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 122, 27 October 2022

Balgray Connections map showing Aurs Rd, Barrhead and Barrhead Rd, Newton Mearns

“It’s in the trees, it’s coming!”*

The latest drop-in event is about Dams to Darnley Country Park and East Renfrewshire’s Balgray Connections project. Today’s event is in Avenue Shopping Centre, Newton Mearns, 11am–3pm (near Costa). Another follows on 2 November, 3pm to 7pm at Barrhead Foundry centre.

Also, it’s decision day at Inverclyde Council for the Spaces for People route in Greenock. Will they follow Renfrewshire and remove it? Or will it get a stay of execution?

A few consultations come to an end over the Hallowe’en weekend – including for North Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire, East Dunbartonshire and Glasgow.

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