Sunday, 06 October, our first group ride over the new bridge at Govan!

October sees us revert to the shorter Sunday morning rides for the winter period, and sees also our first ride over the long-awaited Govan Bridge.

We will start by heading to the bridge at Yorkhill Quay and cross to Govan, though it’s unlikely to be as busy as it was the opening weekend!

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Today’s GoBike ride, new infrastructure, getting up close to Arria and, of course, the Falkirk Wheel

Despite the return of winter after the summer we enjoyed yesterday, those of us who ventured out saw this amazing statue from close up:

For more information see:

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GoBike ride, Sunday 01 September: Cycle to the Falkirk Wheel, get the train back (or cycle if you wish!)

The ride this time has us skirting the city centre, then heading out through the north eastern part of the city and into the countryside beyond Robroyston. Then we carry on towards Cumbernauld, passing Arria, before joining the Forth & Clyde Canal near Banknock.

Continue reading “GoBike ride, Sunday 01 September: Cycle to the Falkirk Wheel, get the train back (or cycle if you wish!)”