Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 163, 25 July 2024

A721 W Hamilton St, Motherwell

«Vive le vélo!»

Paris is in the spotlight for sport but maybe also the rapid transformation of the cities’ streets under mayor Anne Hidalgo. Glasgow sees some progress of its own – the South City Way officially open to Trongate and Byres Rd phase 1 nearing completion. The city council’s survey on behaviour campaigns closes soon.

Renfrewshire have their own milestone with the upgraded route from Erskine to Glasgow Airport. Will SPT’s Regional Active Travel Strategy bring big changes for cycling in towns like Motherwell, pictured (see 2.1)? Elsewhere, there are consultations relating to Local Development Plans in East Ayrshire; both North and South Lanarkshire; and West Dunbartonshire. Also, a few Traffic Orders…

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 162, 11 July 2024

A portion of proposed SPT Active Travel network map

Getting away…

It’s holiday time with summer sports to tide us over until… more summer sports. As the rosettes (and some of their owners) are put back in their box, the pre-election restrictions end. SPT take the chance to launch a major active travel consultation (like RATS up a drainpipe?). There’s a survey about Places in West Dunbartonshire and South Lanarkshire’s Development Plan. Also, city road safety campaigns and Glasgow Uni’s campus update.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 161, 20 June 2024

'Look out for each other' campaign (GCC) video screenshot

Looking out…

While Scotland’s outlook at Euro 2024 may be nervy…

Glasgow City Council want us to look out for others on the roads (and not park in bus stops). Renfrewshire and South Lanarkshire are looking ahead to new strategies/plans. There are also new plans for the former abbatoir in the East End. The ongoing pre-election/‘purdah’ period is due to end at the time of the next issue…

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 158, 02 May 2024

Water Vole Trail zigzags at Gartloch Rd, Ruchazie – looking east towards the Garthamlock and Craigend water towers

Life on the edge…

The latest Liveable Neighbourhood consultation features some less well known areas at the edge of the city. They have some surprises, as a recent GoBike ride found in Ruchazie (pictured) with its rare water vole habitat. LN consultation events for Lambhill to Milton take place TODAY and tomorrow.

Nearby, the Flourishing Molendinar project is back with detailed plans, including for junction 12 of the M8. Over the boundary in North Lanarkshire there are new plans for an Urban Cycling Park. East Dunbartonshire has an update on development at the edge of Bishopbriggs. Elsewhere, there’s parking in Prestwick and East Renfrewshire has its eight town centre surveys.

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